Monday, September 25, 2006

Feeling homesick tonight

Got choked up watching my Saints just take a whoop ass make that 5 whoop ass sticks to the Falcons. Some yokel at Chili's tried to argue that the Saints adrenaline would wear off at halftime - no way was the city's adrenaline drowning after only 1 half of football after being without the football in the dome for close to two years. Wish i was down at Pat O's knocking down hurricanes this minute - wish I was ending up trying to sober up at Cafe Du Monde at 2 or 3 in the morning.

Still have fond memories of the 30th reunion. Hard dancing to No Sleep 'Till Brooklyn! at Deja Vu followed by Pat O's before stumbling back to the car slightly before the 5 am time limit on our parking. Thought that none of the others with us would make it to Rock 'N Bowl, but instead we were the last of our car load to stumble in. Some experiences stand out in a lifetime & the 30th reunion was one of them.

Will hope that my hometown enjoys tonight & continues to heal tomorrow.

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