Tuesday, March 07, 2006
tunes for cruising

The best of the DFM's i purchased recently, and a perfect album for cruising down the 101 at 2 a.m. on your way to catch the ferry out to the channel islands. something about the beat just meshes with driving along the ocean at a high speed.
now the perfect freeway song will always be radar love. a gal i knew from high school told me how she was driving back from florida with Radar Love blasting & found that the beat would syncopate with the road at 85. unfortunately, a policeman quickly pulled her over, which she then talked her way out of (forget the rationale, but syncopating Golden Ear ring wasn't it).
not sure why, but driving across the Sierra Nevadas to visit Manzanar was a perfect back drop for Bartok's string quartets - normally string quartets are never driving music. perhaps the underlying paranoia matched a visit to a japanese interment camp.
guess that only leaves choosing the perfect tune for driving from Yellowstone across the mountains to Cody, Wyoming. don't think Cat Power, Beth Orton, or Patty Larkin can fill that bill.