Saturday, November 19, 2005
10 down - 38 to go
I'm a few hours early, but trying to squeeze in alot before hitting the road early Monday morning to see how my home town is faring. Once again, the internecine GOP warfare and travails are a bit amazing. Bush's recent "Dems rewriting history" shows how little direction he has remaining - what are your plans for the future? How do we get out of the Iraq quagmire? Looking back or casting blame doesn't get you anywhere; doesn't advance any agenda. Like many on the left, I've thoroughly enjoyed the Washington Times story that Bush only talks to 4 people (all female) now. His wife, mother, "work wife", and longtime confidant. Amusing and hopefully true.
- US death toll in Iraq these days surprises even me. We're averaging 3 US dead a day these past two months. The silly squabbles in the House reinforce the notiong that we'll see more death and destruction by & to us in Iraq until a new president takes office under some "peace with honor" campaign platform.
- Deficit? a bill to trim about $50 billion from the deficit over the next five years. Hmmm, that means $10B/annum from deficits that are still in the $300B range, so roughly 3% reduction. Chump change indeed.
- Free trade? The Doha folks in Hong Kong will give it the old college try, but The agricultural deal is a deal breaker or a deal maker and I don't believe that the 1st world is ready to cut their agricultural subsidies, which is too bad, but unfortunately will continue for years to come.
- Kaine's election has given Warner a boost, so that wager is looking better today.
- OBL - haven't heard anyone else ask about him recently, so why should I?
- Draft - see above.
- Troop level in Iraq - secret memos may show up, but I still have a hard time believing that come 2006 the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down or that Bush will be willing to make a substantial cut in troops since It would send the wrong message to our troops.