Thursday, June 09, 2005
More Revelations 'art' forms
Listened to abridged version of The Mark - 8th out of 20 left behind books. Impressions:
- Pure guy stuff. Believe there was 1 woman & she was "helpless female". "you're not going to leave me here to die?"
- Definite page turner - at the end of this book, even I'm wondering "what happens next?"
- Odd juxtaposition of the religious discussion. Guess I was expecting the characters just to keep referring to Revelations to discern the next act by the anti-christ, but they'd stop planning their counter-attack to discuss God's love, which interrupted the narrative flow. I guess that I was expecting the plotting to be more along the lines of the recent TV show.
- The bodies are raptured (from book 1). I talked to Pentecostal friend at work, and her belief is that your body stays where it is, but your soul is raptured to heaven. The body being just the shell for the soul, but I'm guessing that it would not be as dramatic to just have people "pass away" on a plane vs. disparating.