Saturday, April 30, 2005

Why See Under: Love was so hard to read

The entire first part of the book (80+ pages) was not included in the play. The play alternated between the Uncle being in a concentration camp and his sci-fi tale as told to the commandant only. By contrast, the book begins with a quasi-autobiographical, stream-of-consciousness coming-of-age tale set in Israel.

The authour said that the play should differ widely from the book, and clearly it did. So far, the 80 page intro is not that interesting, but now that I've picked up the rambling style slice-of-life about Israel in the mid-50's as a boy is trying to understand the Nazis from his parents cryptic references and whatever tidbits he can glean from other adults. In his mind, he'll battle "the nazi beast" so needs to learn more.

Time to sip rusty nails & head off to check out The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, so will insert my review tomorrow. So far mixed reviews, but should be fun to see with friends anyway.

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