Thursday, April 14, 2005
Still drained from recovery
Decide to quit the Wolfram book after about another 10 pages. I got it. Simple rule sets can create complex patterns. He could have put that into 1 article & saved 10 years of your life.
Started listening to Isaacson's Benjamin Franklin - abridged B.O.T. - initial impression is the my fellow native spends way to much time on the unimportant aspects of Franklin's life (printer & jack-of-all-trades). Almost ½ way through the tapes & we're only on the French-Indian War.
Did strike me once again how fortunate our nation was to have such giants as Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and Hamilton as our founders, and how the founders were the perfect ages at the right time. Washington & Franklin were both old enough to be seasoned by the 7 years war (French-Indian War) so were fit for their roles as commander of the army & commissioner to France during the Revolutionary War.
Well energy running down, so will leave with a link to my alma mater.
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