Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday Night Wine Blogging
cauliflower with dried tomato sauce
desert was strawberries & ice cream w/shortnin' bread (alas camera battery is currently recharging)
desert was strawberries & ice cream w/shortnin' bread (alas camera battery is currently recharging)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
44 down - 4 to go
Bush has certainly done his best to bankrupt our nation - we'll be paying the bills for years to come. Too drained right now to blog in depth, so topics for next post shall include:
- Criteria for next president - cut deficit in ½ as measured by % of GDP. Must be for last year in office or 2 consecutive years is top of list. closing Gitmo. over riding Bush's executive order sealing past presidential papers. ending DADT. rescinding Bush's Cuba restrictions. enacting some sensible policy for medical marijuana. sensible withdrawal from Iraq.
- Lies - all candidates lie, but which one(s) are beyond the pale.
- Long term fixes to suggest - end the mortgage tax deduction for the interest; kill Freddie & Fannie in their current form; limit Fed chief to 2 terms max (8 years like presidents).